Friday, March 28, 2008

我在巴塞罗那的第七天 (上)


说回来,上次我提到我们正走向地铁站。好了,在地铁站,我们很大一群人在吵闹,等着我们要的地铁到来。过了不超过两分钟,它来了。我们一群人就塞进同一个包厢里头,很热闹。有的人就痴呆的坐着,有些人就大声的唱起西班牙语的歌(小弟不是听得很太明白,就不明白),也有人在聊天。我站都站不稳了,靠在旁边抓着旁边的铁柱。Carlos和Laura在谈天。我一个人就在那边尝试站稳我的脚步(我已经醉到不行了!)。和不经意的,有一个女生就跑过来和我谈天。我也忘了他叫什么名字。但是她长得还蛮不错的。她问了我很多关于中文的东西。语言啊,习俗啊!(当然用英语交谈,她的英语还不赖!)我们聊得很开心!不骗你,我们站得越来越靠近,越来越亲切!(可能我喝了点酒,谈起话来也特别放得开,不会因为不认识而不交谈。)在这同时,我忽然听到Carlos和Laura再跟我说话。我转过头来听清楚。他们异口同声地说“go,go flirt with her!keep flirting!she's hot!”我真的当场愣住,WHAT!!我也不知道那时候是怎样,我就走回过去他们那儿!(两步而已。)我就问他们为什么?!!Carlos就回答说:“she's hot!a perfect girl for one night stand!she's seducing you!go,go for her!dun worry about us!”Laura也说:“yayaya,you have to try it!you are 18,you can't be a virgin!” 我真的被扎到!!这是一群什么样的兄弟姐妹啊!!真是他妈的西北够力!我听了听,就表现出一副不是很有兴趣的样子。那个女生也应该听得明他们两个所说的,也看得出来我不太有兴趣,就默默地走回他朋友的身边和他们聊天,看来那个女生真的是要一夜情!(我妹妹告诉我的)。



我们在过几站之后,就下去了。我们就往我们放车的地方走去。一路上都还是有说话的。走着走着,迎面而来走来了另一个很帅的男生。这个男生是属于文静气质派的帅。为什么我要将他解释的那么清楚呢?并不是我开始喜欢男生了,我绝对对我的性向非常有自信。我不否认我还蛮喜欢看唱得好看的男生(女生会看美女,所以我不觉得看俊男就代表你是同性恋)。我也不否认我有时候我会和男生们玩一些有的没的的游戏,而行这些游戏都在同性恋的边缘,看了我们玩这一种游戏的人都可能认为我们是同性恋。但是我很坦白地说,我们因好玩而玩的,我个人绝对是‘直’的!讲回这个男生,他迎面走来,出乎我意料之外的是,他和麦加抱了起来!(通常在西班牙,男生与男生的打招呼方式是握个手)然后他们互相亲脸颊,是亲到靠近嘴巴的那一种,太离谱了!(通常在西班牙,女生与女生的打招呼方式,还有男生和女生打招呼的方式 都是亲脸颊,但是都是轻轻的那一种)更夸张的来了,他们很亲密的嘴对嘴的热吻了一番!!(我不懂是不是法式那一种啦,看不太清楚。在街上,有点暗,况且我也不好意思一直盯着他们看啊!)Carlos,Laura和我都很自动的站在一边然后自个儿围起来聊天。他们也看得出来我的疑惑。哈哈,原来那个很帅的男生叫做Miquel(米克),是麦加的‘亲密好友’(因为不懂要放男朋友还是女朋友)。我们谈了很久,当中我会不由自主的向他们两个的方向望一望。他们亲的好豪放哦!!我知道我这样子看是有点不礼貌,但是我控制不到自己!这是我人生第一次看两个男生这么近的在我面前亲起来,狂野的那一种!普通的男生亲亲我有看过(我也有试过,没什么大不了),但是亲的这样激烈的,通常只有在以同性恋为主体的电影或是连续剧里才看得到,比如说,Brokeback Mountain 或 Queer As Folk。请大家原谅我!好了,我们过后就坐上麦加的车去我们的下一站。

Friday, March 7, 2008

Jokes of Election of Malaysia (they r just JOkeS)

These are the jokes i found from my friends. It's quite funny~

While walking down the street one day a Malaysian Boleh Minister is tragically hit by a truck and dies.
His soul arrives in heaven and is met by St. Peter at the entrance.
"Welcome to heaven," says St. Peter. "Before you settle in, it seems there is a problem. We seldom see a high official around these parts, you see, so we're not sure what to do with you."
"No problem, just let me in," says the man.
"Well, I'd like to, but I have orders from higher up. What we'll do is have you spend one day in hell and one in heaven. Then you can choose where to spend eternity."
"Really, I have made up my mind. I want to be in heaven," says the Yang Berhormat.
"I'm sorry, but we have our rules," says St. Peter.
And with that, St. Peter escorts him to the elevator and he goes down, down, down to hell. The doors open and he finds himself in the middle of a green golf course. In the distance is a clubhouse and standing in front of it are all his friends and other politicians who had worked with him.
Everyone is very happy and dressed in the finest batik there is. They run to greet him, shake his hand, and reminisce about the good times they had while getting rich at the expense of the people. They play a friendly game of golf and then indulge themselves on lobsters, caviar and the most expensive food there is.
Also present is the devil, who really is a very friendly guy who has a good time dancing and telling jokes. They are having such a good time that before he realizes it, it is time to go.
Everyone gives him a hearty farewell and waves while the elevator rises.
The elevator goes up, up, up and the door reopens on heaven where St. Peter is waiting for him.
"Now it' s time to visit heaven."
So, 24 hours pass with the Yang Berhormat joining a group of contented souls moving from cloud to cloud, playing the harp and singing. They have a good time and, before he realizes it, the 24 hours have gone by and St. Peter returns.
"Well, then, you've spent a day in hell and another in heaven. Now choose your eternity."
The Yang Berhormat reflects for a minute, then he answers: "Well, I would never have said it before, I mean heaven has been delightful, but I think Ai yam better off in hell."
So St. Peter escorts him to the elevator and he goes down, down, down to hell. Now the doors of the elevator open and he's in the middle of a barren land covered with waste and garbage.
He sees all his friends, dressed in rags, picking up the trash and putting it in black bags as more trash falls from above.
The devil comes over to him and puts his arm around his shoulder.
"I don't understand," stammers the Yang Berhormat. "Yesterday I was here and there was a golf course and clubhouse, and we ate lobster and caviar, drank champagne, and danced and had a great time. Now there's just a wasteland full of garbage and my friends look miserable. What happened?"
The devil looks at him, smiles and says, "Yesterday we were campaigning just like you during an election...... Today you voted."


1、Pak Lah, Najib And Sami Vellu 同坐直升機巡視。
Sami Vellu 說:'如果我丟一千塊下去,撿到那一個人一定很高興。'
Najib 說:'如果我丟兩張五百元下去,那就有兩個人很高興了。'
Pak Lah 說:'如果我丟十張一百元下去,就有十個人很高興了。'
這個時候 ........
2、Sami Vellu 希望提高自己的聲望,想要發行一款有自己肖像的郵票.....
發行過了一個多月之後,Sami Vellu 想要問看看視察看看銷路如何.....
Sami Vellu : '銷售情形怎麼樣?'
郵政總局局長:'還算不錯,只不過常常有人抱怨黏不牢!Sami Vellu : '怎麼會呢?' Sami Vellu 隨手拿了一張郵票,塗了一點口水在郵票背面,便試貼在信封上 ....
Sami Vellu :' 這樣不是黏得很緊嗎?'
郵政總局局長: '可是......大家....都把口水吐在正面啊 ......'
3、深夜,Najib 去買宵夜,結果在路上遇到搶匪 …
搶匪拿著槍指著 Najib 說:' 把身上的錢交出來!'
Najib 勃然大怒說:'你這什麼態度?我可是堂堂Vice Prime Minister 耶!'
搶匪:'喔,那……把我的錢還來。 '
4、某天,Prime Minister 、Parliment members...等大官一起參加一個會議,結果發生連環車禍,送至醫院急救,記者們聞風趕至醫院....
稍久,醫生出來了,記者忙著問'醫生!醫生!Prime Minister 有救嗎?'
醫生沮喪的搖搖頭說:'唉 ..Prime Minister 沒救了...'
記者又問:'醫生!醫生!Minister 有救嗎?'
醫生又沮喪的搖搖頭說:'唉 ...也沒救了...'
記者就問:'那 ...到底誰有救?'
醫生精神一振說: 'Malaysia 有救了!'
5、有一天Sami Vellu 往某家精神病院視察,所有的病人都站在走廊上高聲歡呼,
Sami Vellu 萬歲!Sami Vellu 萬歲!
只有一名病人面無表情,對Sami Vellu 不理不睬。
Sami Vellu 看到了,問院長說:'那位病人為什麼不對我歡呼呢?'
6、一輛競選車載著Sami Vellu 競選團隊開到鄉村去造勢,不幸在山間小路上翻車。
警察趕緊追問:'他們都死了嗎? '
老農回答說:'嗯…,我看到Sami Vellu 在我埋他的時候大叫說他還沒死。'
老農說:'你知道的嘛? 這個Sami Vellu 從不說實話。


These are purely jokes i found, don't get angry by them. Just laugh them off.
These jokes are taken from the blog of my friend, Franson. Thank you for these!